Thursday, January 21, 2010
Matha - Cause of Democrat Loss in MA Senate Race

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
GOP wins MA Senate Seat

Monday, January 18, 2010
Contempt? For the Priviledged, So What?
By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 19 — Lim Kit Siang t
oday urged Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail to begin contempt proceedings against Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz (picture) for attacking “the independence, impartiality, integrity and professionalism” of Kuala Lumpur High Court judge Datuk Lau Bee Lan.
“Nazri launched a most improper, unwarranted and unprecedented attack on Lau, not only saying that her Dec 31 decision was wrong, but [he was] also maligning and besmirching her judicial competence and role by declaring that she is not a Muslim and had improperly ruled over a matter that concerned the ‘akidah’ (faith) of the Muslim community.

“This is the first time that I know of a judge being attacked on the ground of her religious credentials
rather than her judicial competence and temper — and coming from the de facto Law Minister, it must
be regarded most seriously as a totally unacceptable attack on the independence, impartiality, integrity and professionalism of the judiciary,” Lim (picture) said in a press statement.
The High Court had on Dec 31 last year ruled that the Catholic Church’s Herald weekly had the constitutional right to publish the word “Allah” in its publication, to cater to its Bahasa Malaysia-speaking followers.
The Minister in the Prime Minister’s department and de facto Law Minister questioned Lau’s “Allah” decision because she was not a Muslim and therefore did not understand the “Malay psyche.”
Nazri also stressed that Muslims are constitutionally Malays and the two cannot be separated.
“You must study the psyche of the Malays. The Chinese can be Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, no problem, but the Malays, the race itself is defined in the Constitution.
“Who is Malay? In the Constitution, [a] Malay is one: a Muslim; two: speaks Malay; and three: practises Malay culture. In the Constitution, there can’t be [a] Malay who is not a Muslim. Anything at all, any suspicion will confuse the ordinary Malays. They become so protective because Malay and Islam cannot be separate,” Nazri told reporters yesterday.
The DAP advisor, however, rejected Nazri’s claims as a “dangerous perversion and subversion of the Constitution.”
“What is Nazri trying to say? Is he laying down a new law that in multi-religious and multi-racial Malaysia where the Constitution recognises Islam as the official religion but guarantees freedom of religion for all other faiths, non-Muslim and non-Malay judges must be excluded from adjudicating certain cases like the Herald ‘Allah’ case allegedly because it concerns the ‘akidah’ of the Muslim community, and the Malay psyche?
“Fifty-two years after Merdeka and 46 years after the formation of Malaysia, is the country going backwards with a further dichotomy of the judicial system where there is [a] new division of cases which is to be adjudicated solely by judges who fulfil the two conditions of being Muslim and Malay because they fall into the category of [the] ‘akidah’ of the Muslim community and the Malay psyche?
“Will the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court — should the appeal on the Herald’s “Allah” case reach that level — be constituted solely with Muslim and Malay judges to take into account Nazri’s extraordinary objections?” Lim asked.
Rid the Leech Leaders

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Police - UMNO Spies
By Clara ChooiIPOH, Jan 17 – A man, believed to be a police special branch officer, was “detained” by DAP's security personnel when he was caught red-handed recording the proceedings of the party's national convention at the Syuen Hotel here today.
According to party insiders, the man had sneaked into the control room for the ballroom where the function is being held and had managed to record at least eight sound clips of the entire convention's proceedings since 10am this morning.
DAP Chenderiang branch chairman Leong Soon Fatt, who is a part of the DAP's security team for the convention, said that at about 4pm, he saw someone observing the proceedings from the window of the control room.
“I was inside the ballroom at the time. When I looked up at the window of the control room, I saw someone watching the proceedings.
“That was when a group of us from the security team decided to go up to confront the man,” he told a press conference here after the convention.
Leong said that when the security team reached the scene, the man, known only as Lau, had left the control room to hide himself in another room adjacent to it.
“But in his hurry, he had left his recording device in the control room. It was still taping the proceedings,” he said.
Since the other room was locked, Leong said he sought the assistance of a hotel staff to open the door.
“The man was hiding behind the door. When we confronted him, he at first refused to admit that he was a police officer,” he said.
One of the members of the security team recognised the man as one of the police officers who had participated in the series of arrests made during the controversial May 7 state assembly sitting last year.
“He then admitted that he was a police officer and told us that he was just acting under the orders of his superiors.
“We then confiscated his recording device and let him go,” said Leong.
Despite having been found out, the man was still seen loitering around the hotel to observe the tail end of the convention's proceedings.
Perak DAP chairman Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham lambasted the police for their act of intruding on the people’s privacy.
“It is not about whether or not we were discussing secrets during our convention but about the fact that the police have absolutely no respect at all for the privacy of others.
“Under the law, a person who enters the convention or meeting of a private organisation is clearly committing trespass,” he said.
He added that the police were so inefficient in combating crime but were instead very good at intruding on the private functions of others.
“It is not just about the privacy of the DAP but this could happen to others, too. You could be recorded while you are sleeping or doing other things.
“In fact I believe that many of our phones are also tapped. Malaysians should condemn this sort of behaviour from the police,” he said.
Ngeh added that a police report would also be lodged on the matter.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Who sponsors fascism?
Denying the undenyable can only demonstrate how childish our government is. Those who walks in the corridor of power always...always think that the people of Malaysia lack intelligence, and easily fooled.
Remember the home minister said that only 8 cases so far indicated great success of the police force? Who is he trying to fool? We wonder how KPI is being assessed, or do these hopeless bunch even know what KPI actually means.
And that only a day before his IGP said that the police force lacks manpower, and suggested the relevant parties should employ their own security to safeguard properties. What a shame!
Hope to hear your view.
Following excerpt taken from TheNutGraph article "Allah" issue: Who started it?
BN-sponsored fascism
The West often likes to describe Malaysia as a "moderate Muslim state". We are far from it. We have become a fascist state under BN rule. How so? Well, a state that actively and aggressively promotes racial and religious superiority is no different from the Nazi state that asserted that the Aryans were superior to the Jews. And the systematic use of violence, fear and draconian laws to diminish and suppress the legitimate rights of minority groups can only be described as fascist.
The BN will, of course, deny responsibility for the way the "Allah" issue is playing out. The government will provide financial aid to churches to prove to Christians that it does not condone these acts of violence. It will now be open to interfaith forums, where before it banned any such attempts by groups such as Article 11.
Too little too late, I'm afraid. Make no mistake: the BN government started this. And by denying culpability now and stubbornly refusing to do what is right despite the historical, cultural and religious evidence, the BN is responsible for the rising fascism in our midst.
Is this the kind of Malaysia we want to live in?
Is this the kind of government we want?
Jacqueline Ann Surin thinks peace-loving citizens should set the benchmarks for what constitutes 1Malaysia instead of letting the government spin its public relations exercise. What would you like to see happening for you to believe that Najib's 1Malaysia is for real?
Read more and in details of this article here.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Prelude of Operasi Lallang II
Home ministry and the prime minister allowed the demonstration.
They encouraged the demonstration.
They backed the demonstration.
They sponsored the demonstration.
Now, fannetics offshoot to bombing and torching churches in the capital cities is undoubtedly threatening the national security of the country. This is terrorism.
And who is allowing, encouraging, and sponsoring terrorism?
And who must take full responsibility for church attacks?
Could this be the ulterior motive of the government to introduce "Operasi Lallang II?"
Against those who oppose the government, of course!
Following article adopted from Harakah Daily, picture is credit of TheMalaysianInsider:
Mahfuz bimbang pengeboman gereja adalah isyarat Operasi Lalang ke-2
Dzulfikar Mashoor

“Operasi Lalang suatu ketika dulu menyaksikan sentimen Melayu begitu kuat sehingga ada pihak menyeru supaya orang-orang Melayu bersenjata ke Kuala Lumpur untuk membunuh orang-orang Cina,” jelasnya ketika dihubungi Harakahdaily.
“Perhimpunan tersebut akhirnya tidak berlaku, tetapi beberapa pemimpin pembangkang pula ada (yang) ditangkap (oleh Kerajaan) atas nama menjaga keselamatan negara.
“(sedangkan) pemimpin- pemimpin tertentu dalam Umno (dan) BN yang menjadi punca tercetusnya (Operasi Lalang) itu selamat (tidak ditangkap) dan lari (keluar negara)...sebab itu saya bimbang kalau-kalau ini isyarat berlaku (Operasi Lalang) yang kedua,” terang Mahfuz.
Menganggap Operasi Lalang sengaja dicetuskan oleh pihak tertentu pada 1987 yang lalu, beliau juga tidak menolak kemungkinan bahawa ada ‘tangan ghaib’ yang sengaja mengobom Geraja Metro Tabelnacle, Kuala Lumpur 12 jam yang lalu demi mencetuskan suasana tidak tenteram.
Beliau yang juga Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena turut menyeru umat Islam supaya lebih berhati-hati dengan provokasi ‘tangan ghaib’ tersebut.
“Kita (PAS) tidak menuduh mana-mana pihak, tetapi saya menyeru seluruh rakyat Malaysia tidak kira orang Islam atau bukan (Islam) (supaya) lebih berhati-hati kalau ada ‘tangan-tangan ghaib’ yang sengaja mencetuskan provokasi (berkaitan) isu ini untuk kepentingan politik mereka,” katanya.
Dalam perkembangan yang sama, beliau turut meragui keikhlasan Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) membiarkan media massa arus perdana mendidik emosi rakyat secara tidak sihat.
“Saya begitu meragui apabilan KDN tidakpun mengenakan tindakan yang tegas ke atas beberapa media arus perdana yang saya lihat seolah-olah mereka ini melaporkan isu ini (guna nama Allah) dalam rupa yang cukup negatif sehingga membawa suatu suasana saling membenci dan berprasangka antara satu sama lain,” jelasnya.
Sebelum ini, beliau turut menyalahkan kerajaan dan mahkamah kerana tidak mempercepat perbicaraan kes tersebut.
Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, Naib Presiden Salahuddin Ayub turut mengutuk tindakan mengebom geraja tersebut kerana tidak menepati syariat Islam.
Bagi beliau, ‘Wacana Ilmiah’ sebagaimana yang ditunjukkan oleh para Anbiya’, Sahabat kepada Rasulullah s.a.w serta cendekiawan Islam terdahulu merupakan pendekatan sewajarnya untuk mendepani budaya orang bukan Islam berminat menggunakan Allah dalam keagamaan mereka.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Kepercayaan Kepada ... siapa?
2. So, this Rukun Negara is for Non-Muslim only... or Muslim included but with a footnote...
3. May be it should be a separate version for Muslim - "Kepercayaan kepada Allah."
4. Oh, "Kepercayaan kepada UMNO."
5. These UMNO fannatics are stirring up issues for political gains, fanning hatred, being seditious, and be all they can be... a clear threat to national unity/security, with strong backing from the federal government.
6. What should you be thinking now?
Only Malaysian Chinese get marginalised?
We have to also understand that many educated moderate Malays are feeling bad about how the country's management and choose not to return to Malaysia upon completion of their studies.
How do you feel?
Following article adopted from limkitsiangblog:
A Letter to Lim Kit Siang
Dear Mr. Lim Kit Siang,
I have utmost respect and admiration for your tenacity in remaining in Malaysia to champion the cause of justice and equality and fight for a Bangsa Malaysia.
My heart broke when I read about your article regarding the honest cyber cafe operator especially when he wondered if he ‘had chosen the wrong country’ to start and operate his business.
I see my situation summed up in that phrase. You have said before that the best and brightest are leaving this country. Well, I am making every preparation to leave. I have consistently scored straight As in every public exam and placed among the top 3 of my form. In university, I studied medicine and am among the top scorers. I have just graduated and scored near perfect results in a medical licensing examination that will enable me to work abroad and further my studies.
I was born a Malaysian yet I cannot see myself as a Malaysian. As a Chinese, I feel that I am being discriminated against. I feel that the government is trying its hardest to sideline me just because of my race. I look around and see this discrimination manifested in various forms. From the issue regarding religious conversion to the allocation of places in local universities, the stench of discrimination is sickening.
It was horrifying to note in my batch of medical students, there were a substantial number of malay students who actually did not apply for medicine but were sent to study it. It is disgusting to think that many STPM straight A scorers are deprived of a chance to study medicine while the government gives the places to people who are not even sure that they want to study medicine.
I have seen how racial politics sully the environment in the university and how unqualified people are in high posts at the expense of far more intelligent and qualified individuals just because they are Malay. I have heard the terrible statements made by delegates at the recent UMNO General Assembly about revoking my citizenship rights should I question their special rights.
I have seen the videos on YouTube where UMNO MPs have the audacity to ask us to ‘keluar’ of the country if we don’t like what they are doing to it. And I see the pathetic attempt by the PM to ‘discipline’ these racists. I hate the fact that Gerakan and MCA have done NOTHING to fight for my rights instead of just kow-towing to UMNO for their own gains.
Patriotism isn’t about singing the national anthem or raising the flag. It isn’t about accepting at face value everything the government says. It isn’t about attending merdeka celebrations. It is about feeling accepted as part of your nation. It is about knowing that your nation accepts you as a son or daughter. It is about realizing that being a part of a nation entails certain responsibilities. That is my definition of patriotism.
And right now, as a Malaysian, I am feeling anything BUT patriotic. 50 years of independence? So what? What has it done for me? Whoopee. I have a chance to change my life. I will change my destiny. I could not choose the country where I was born but I can very well choose the country that I will swear my allegiance to. I want a country that will recognize me as a citizen and grant me rights equal to that of all other citizens. I want a country that has the wisdom to recognize my potential and talents and reward me accordingly. I want a country where the government fears its people and conducts itself in a manner worthy of respect and honor.
This is not my nation. I am leaving. Mr. Lim, I salute you and all those like you who can find the strength and energy to fight for an ungrateful bunch of people. How many actually held mass protests, hunger strikes or rose up to defend you and your family when you or your son was imprisoned for fighting for us? How many did more than just shake their heads and move on with their petty little lives? None that I know of. Yet you continue to defend their rights.
You are an amazing man, Mr. Lim and I truly admire you for that. Unfortunately, I have a bright future ahead and I will not waste it in this country. It is not my nation.
Thank you for fighting the good fight.
(Author’s name withheld for privacy)
Also refers to article in MalaysiaToday:
A Letter to Lim Kit Siang