While you may be following the shameful and disheartening event closely, you may want to revisit and refer. If you happened to have missed this latest barbaric and disgraceful episode of unconstitutional, unethical, and illegitimate power grab, these references can hopefully help you understand better how dark the country is today - 1BLACKMalaysia, indeed.
For the ardent supporters of MCA, Gerakan, and MIC, it is time to ask - why their parties can even be participating in and supporting such brutal and despicable acts?
The crisis in Perak must be resolved in a dignified and democracy method by going back to the bosses - that is the people of Perak state. So, election NOW!
As a consciencious citizen, hopefully you will recommend the readings to your friends, relatives, associates, and aquintances onshore or offshore. You can (and should) ask your folds (who traditionally support UMNO-BN) who have open minds and firm believers of true democracy to now judge the true character of UMNO-BN. Come next General Election, people of Malaysia who qualify to vote must not waste the opportunity to come together and take back the control of the country.
"Together we can bring back democracy!"
References below taken from its respective sources of The Malaysian Insider, The Nut Graph, LimKitSiang Blog, and Malaysiakini.
- TMI: Was Sivakumar’s removal lawful?
- TMI: 1 Malaysia, 2 Peraks — The Malaysian Insider
- TMI: Lawlessness and the Perak assembly — P. Ramakrishnan
- LKSblog: Flash updates from Perak
- LKSblog: Najib’s 1Malaysia shredded into smithereens - disgraceful police lockdown of Ipoh and scandalous spectacle of 2 Speakers, 2 Assemblies
- TMI: Was it worth it?
- TMI: Najib’s 1 Malaysia in smithereens, charges Kit Siang
- TNG: Live Coverage - Ganesan takes the speaker's chair
- Mkini: Live Coverage - Sivakumar dragged out, Regent delivers royal address
- Mkini: A number 1BlackMalaysia day indeed
- Mkini: 'Scandalous spectacle shreds PM's 1 M'sia'
- Mkini: One Black Malaysia in Ipoh
- Mkini: DUN Perak: Sivakumar dipaksa keluar
- Mkini: Laporan Langsung - 6 jam kecoh, DUN Perak rasmi dibuka
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