Discrediting 1Malaysia
Muhyiddin just did a disservice to his boss, Najib’s 1Malaysia. Contrasting glaringly to “People First” in 1Malaysia slogan, (which commonly interpreted as treating all Malaysians fairly,) Muhyiddin declared he is “Malay First, Malaysian Second”.
Muhyiddin’s admission to and declaration of being "Malay First" contemplating to the fact that government will continue to place preferential treatments and priorities to Malays over other races in
Najib's 1Malaysia slogan, will therefore, remains just a slogan, without the support from his deputy.
Malay First, Malaysian Second
"I am Malay first but being Malay doesn't mean I am not Malaysian," said Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin.
So, this confirms that the DPM thinks and practices very much differently than the PM Najib in 1Malaysia concept of transforming the government into treating all Malaysian fairly. No wonder there are many around Najib spoke and acted in contrast to the vision laid down by Najib.
And is Najib the only person working hard to promote 1Malaysia campaign which supposedly accords equality to all Malaysians? Looks like a lone ranger.
'How can I say I'm Malaysian first and Malay second? All the Malays will shun me... and it's not proper,' said Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin.
So, in order to gain popularity from Malays, Muhyiddin walks the racial line and does not mind others shun him.
Will Najib ask Muhyiddin to resign for causing such a boo boo?
Refer to following news articles for details:
TMI: I am a Malay first, says Muhyiddin
Mkini: Muhyiddin: I'm Malay first
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